Andrea Figueroa

About the facilitator

Andrea has walked the path of devotion as long as she can remember, devotion to love and to healing, both within herself and in service of others. Her primary passion is exploring spiritual states through tantric massage, where matter and spirit unite in ecstasy. Andrea has wholeheartedly dedicated her life to the tantric path for the last 10 years, sharing her gifts of compassion, openness, and unconditional love through the sanctity of touch. She also holds a BSc in Psychology and a Masters degree in Person-Centred counselling and psychotherapy, as well as being a certified yoga teacher and Totum Bodyworker.

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To be true and openhearted is the very foundation for connection and intimacy, with yourself, with your partners and with the world. I wish to call my brothers forth to courageously show yourselves in your power, by daring to be naked together. Emotionally naked.

How much we dare to reveal ourselves, the light and the dark, determine how deeply we can connect with ourselves and with others. There is so much healing that can take place when we move beyond shame and guilt, in a non-judgemental environment where we are fully received. We experience a wonderful sense of freedom when we can stand in our truth as our most authentic selves. So bring your hidden sins, your deepest longings and your darkest secrets, let’s explore the limits of how much we dare to reveal within the frames of consent and mutual respect.


I’d like to invite lovers, couples and trusted friends to a delicious treat of connection and playful intimacy. Let's dive into loving presence together through the non-verbal language of touch, and immerse ourselves in the poetic union of two souls. We will play with giving and receiving physical touch, within the safety of mutually agreed consent. To touch and be touched with presence and love opens our hearts and erotic energy, nurturing our very essence and the bond between us. How deeply can we let go and surrender into different types of touch whilst toying with the dynamics of giving and taking, both for our own pleasure as well as a gift? Let us explore what happens when we are touched softly and slowly, versus firmly and dynamic, without goals or destination. In this way, we can build up energy together, and invite aliveness and passion into our hearts and bodies.

Max 25 couples.